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iPhone SE Screen and backglass repair

See how iLogix Computer Solutions replaced the backglass on this iPhone SE 3rd Gen (amongst other things)

iPhone Backglass Repair

Disclaimer: iLogix Computer Solutions will not be held liable for any damage to persons or properties should you follow this article. We are not recommending that you follow this blog as it is for advertising purposes only. Unless you are trained in working on electronics you risk serious burns to yourself and permanent damage to the device.

iLogix Computer Solutions were asked to help a customer with a broken iPhone SE 3rd Gen. The backglass was damaged, the screen was damaged and the microphone and loudspeaker did not work. When we asked the customer what had happened he said he "dropped it while taking a photo". We seriously do not care what you do, it just helps us if we get an accurate picture

Backglass repairs are not easy to do, it is a repair Apple does not want you to do. Ever since the iPhone 8 was released the back of the iPhone has been plastic rather than aluminium. This is because the iPhone 8 onwards supports wireless charging, I will show you this shortly. The backglass is held in place with a very strong adhesive. There are three methods you can use to remove the backglass for a backglass repair. Intense cold, by using a chemical to take the temperature to such a low point the adhesive becomes brittle. Heat, by applying a high temperature the adhesive softens or using a laser separator which costs a lot of money. When using high temperature, around 450 degrees, you need to be sure you do not focus on one area for more than three seconds, if you do you risk melting a solder joint on the logic board or melting a flex cable, this is why some chose cold over heat. In my case I needed to take the Logicboard out to replace the charging port so I opted for heat.

iPhone Backglass Repair

In the photo here you can see where I have removed half of the backglass. Notice the black plastic ring ? This is the wireless charging coil. There are several places on the back of the device that either have exposed flex cables or the centre has the wireless charging coil. All are very fragile and the Wireless charging coil is a soldered part so to replace it requires a soldering iron.

In addition the the broken screen and backglass the customer told me the microphone did not work. This prevented him making phone calls. I have seen this before, the fact that the phone has received an impact and somehow the screen was lifted made me think of replacing the charging flex cable. The charging flex performs a number of functions on an iPhone, any loudspeaker , charging issues or microphone problems can be a sign of the charging flex being the cause, however there are many tangibles.

iPhone charging flex repair

To remove the charging flex you need to take out the logicboard and taptic engine, the taptic engine is what make the device vibrate with events.

The flex I used to replace the faulty flex was a direct pull, which means it was already recycled when I got it. Notice the hair on the flex, don't worry I cleaned this up.

iPhone repairs near me

So at this stage I have a refurb charge flex and a new backglass fitted. All I need to do now is reassemble the iPhone and put a new screen on it.

For this repair I had to dismantle the iPhone almost entirely. I never swapped the battery as I ran a test on it with Coconut Battery which told me the battery was in good health with a minimal number of charge cycles.

iPhone Backglass Repair

After assembly and a thorough test........Its another fix. I tested every aspect of this device. Sound, speaker, touch ID, WiFi, SIM, Voice calls and charging.

The result was amazing and a lot cheaper than a new iPhone.

iPhone backglass repairs near me? call iLogix Computer Solutions. iPhone repairs near me.

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